What is YouRent’s unique selling point?
YouRent is an ERP for property managers. It offers a complete solution, an integrated system covering all the needs in one single database and interface for various client segments, ranging from private landlords to corporate players with thousands of units under management.
The big advantage of our solution is that it’s scalable, configurable and can leverage components of an existing ERP. YouRent can tailor it to any client situation, whether they work in different real estate markets, segments, or geographies.
YouRent covers three main pillars. The first one is the administrative work, e.g. the automatization of the leasing contract. It also includes a full CRM system supporting visit requests, tenants application form, publication of available properties, etc. The solution will also take care of the usual rent payment checks, gentle reminders, automated indexations, etc.
YouRent’s second pillar is the technical support and maintenance of the properties. The module allows the user to centralize all the information about equipments in order to optimize the planned maintenance process (frequency, next dates, models, suppliers). YouRENT will also provide a professional helpdesk to the technical staff in charge of the ad-hoc on site interventions. In all those situations, YouRENT will manage the communications between these parties, as well as with outside suppliers, with predefined templates in different languages. Real time savers when you receive tens of intervention requests a day!
Finally, the third pillar is finance & accounting. The financial management system is based on Odoo’s foundation which allows YouRent to bring a full accounting stack to their clients. This also provides powerful reporting, analytics and data display capabilities.
What are the challenges and barriers?
YouRent is highly appreciated in the mid market (portfolios with hundreds of units). A first challenge is to convince larger players in the corporate world, in Belgium or abroad. YouRent is still a young company in this market segment and they have to create more awareness and convince decision makers.
However, their value proposition is excellent. Clients will have a short pay back period. Meaning when you have a large portfolio, and you decide to use all the YouRENT capabilities, you’ll save a few FTEs thanks to automation and digitalization. Such an integrated system helps avoid double data entry, send automatic reminders, and connecti people in an easy way.
Another challenge is the international expansion. While the fiscal aspect, legal aspect, accounting aspects, and language aspects of different countries could be seen as a blocking factor by some competitors in that industry, YouRent has shown they are well-positioned to address these issues with the support of Odoo.
What are the future plans on a geographical basis and product basis?
Concretely, the concept is to grow in sequential circles around Belgium, the base camp. So, first, YouRent wants to be the undisputed best property management software in Belgium, and then, the next step would be to go to the neighboring countries such as France, Luxembourg and The Netherlands. Further down the line, YouRent also aims to expand out to Europe and into new foreign countries.

Project Manager